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              Why a Blog?

Why am I doing this? 


I’m considered a second generation in the Church of God, since the early '70s. That’s when my family was called into the truth and by God’s grace, I was placed into that very special category of being sanctified (1 Cor. 7:14). I was given the opportunity of attending Ambassador College in Big Sandy, TX from 1991-1995. The last year was undoubtedly trying, but it forced upon me the opportunity to truly prove what I believed—truth or error—the whole church was forced to at that time. Many came down on the wrong side of the issues. I’m grateful that I was able to navigate through the great falling away and did not succumb to that apostasy. Was it of my own accord? Not entirely! I had a solid support and leadership system in my life at a time I desperately needed it. 


Although, far from perfect, I have endeavored to live God’s way of life from childhood. In 2004 I was ordained a minister. Although, the costs were high the job brought the greatest responsibility, fulfillment, and meaning to my entire life. I love the work! 


Albert Einstein stated: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It has always been and remains to be my intention to be different—except I really mean it. I refuse to go down the same old “rabbit hole” that has clearly not worked for over 30 years and start another corporate “Church of God” splinter group! Of course, each group teaches its own “flavor” of Mr. Armstrong. Why do so many pick and choose what they want to teach and follow? Why is it seemingly so difficult to just stick to what we were taught and once supposedly proved (1 Thess. 5:21)? I have some ideas in this regard, but I guess these are questions we must answer individually. “…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15)—I know we are not alone in this endeavor. We just need to find each other. 


Indeed, it has taken me many years of pain-staking tests and trials to get to this point in my life, but I’m here now! Better late than never. For years we have hoped someone would “step up” and do what is right! The right thing is to simply uphold the doctrines and traditions of Christ’s apostle! For years we have wondered in frustration what to do and where to go? But seemingly always coming up short with the same answer—where? We had “high hopes” with various groups, but in one way or another they veer off on their own ideas following the government of man. I guess I finally got tired of waiting. And tired of waiting for the validation and approval of others. I have a job to do, and it is high time I do it! I know God holds me, as leader of my household, responsible for the spiritual well-being of my family. Yet, I am also aware, if I am to be selfless, that my responsibility as a minister of God’s true Church, extends beyond that (Matt. 18:6).


God commands in His Word that we all "Speak the same thing." That "same thing" was placed into God’s Church through His apostle. If we can’t agree on this one point and keep ourselves solely in the government of God—then confusion results and satan gets his way. And to teach disagreement to the children of God is the height of disloyalty! Mr. Armstrong starkly warned: “Fellow ministers, I say to you by Christ's authority that for one claiming to be a minister of Jesus Christ and receiving a salary as a minister of, and representative of this Church, to water down or make less binding the teachings and doctrines Jesus Christ put in this Church through me is taking money (salary) under false pretenses. It is SERIOUS and a SERIOUS SIN. God will call everyone who does that to account…This is a SERIOUS MATTER WITH GOD!”


Someday each of us will have the opportunity to “Meet our Maker.” When I face Jesus Christ, I desire the conversation to entail that, “I know I am very imperfect; yet, I truly believed in Your government, I truly believed Mr. Armstrong was Your apostle and I tried to follow the restored truths as taught by Your Word. I’m sorry if I missed the mark, but I tried!” I do not want the conversation to entail that, “I knew he was Your apostle, but I did it my way. I’m sorry I rejected him and thereby rejected You, but I did it my way.” I do not believe the latter will receive the grace that some think it will. If Mr. Armstrong was deceived and therefore deceiving me then I will simply fall on God’s mercy. Either way, it is my aim, by the power of Jesus Christ in me, to remain consistent with what I have been taught my whole life and not waiver! I know I may not have it all perfectly right and I will make mistakes, but I am continually learning, and I am willing to take correction. But I absolutely will not speak my “own thing!” We have plenty of examples of those efforts and it is not working—the fruits of the Church bear this out.


Why not another splinter group? Because God’s true Church is not supposed to be divided! The current landscape is wrong! If we have God’s Holy Spirit within us, then we are the Church. The Church is composed of those who are the children of God and thus the name Church of God. We cannot put ourselves into the Church. When we become sons and daughters of God, by having and being led by the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14), then God has put us into His Church by begetting us as His children. Thus, the Church is a spiritual organism. For this reason, I know I am not “kicked out” of God’s Church because corporate splinter groups won’t accept me for believing that Mr. Armstrong was correct. I believe he is Christ’s apostle. I believe he is Elijah and restored all things. I believe he fulfilled the Zerubbabel prophecy. I do not look for another, but only for the return of Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth! Thus, the very gospel message that I have been taught from childhood. Jesus is the messenger and not the message! And, no, this is not mere lip service as I mean every word! "Joining" a corporate splinter group that calls itself a church—having one's name on the membership roll of some corporation calling itself a church — does not necessarily make one in fact a member of the Church Jesus founded. The simple proof is found in Romans 8:9. However, I am also aware that God’s church does have a definite form of organization. Yes, God’s Church is a spiritual organism and not a humanly devised organization. We exist, as a people, for the purpose of carrying on the work of God. The living Christ directs, leads, inspires and blesses the Church in doing God's Work. If every individual in it goes out alone, independently, trying to carry out the entire divine Commission in whatever way he sees fit, we shall have confusion, and a house divided against itself cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Jesus has set organization—government—order—in God’s Church. Jesus Christ is the Head (Eph. 2:19-20). I desire to follow and serve the pattern of God’s government and not man. “…truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3); yet, our family desire is also to be with others of like mind—and to no longer be on the defense for purely believing Christ’s apostle, Mr. Armstrong. Bottom line, we have no need to start another “corporate church” because we are already the Church of God!


I am a minister in God’s Church, and I have a responsibility to uphold the truth—not my own version, but as Christ’s apostle taught it. I understand that the role of a pastor is central to the overall unity and stability of the Church—individually and collectively—something sorely missing for many years. I know I must be sound in doctrine, hard-working, selfless, and know the state of the flock—for a pastor is nothing more than a shepherd. I know that I must stay close to God and be loyal to His government. Ministers who are put in responsibility over a portion of the Bride of Christ are to look after her, shelter her, protect her, keep her from corruption. All leaders have this duty and responsibility to resist heresy—and never accept it—even if it’s the flavor of our choice. Anyone who has influence has a responsibility to use it for good. True shepherds will defend, but hirelings flee. 


It is clear—600 times over—that God’s House is on fire! Who will warn the family to get out? Who will lead them to safety? Who will listen? Are we truly delusional that God is happy with us? Do we really believe “churches of God” pleases Him? Brethren, the house is on fire, please get out for your own spiritual welfare! The only way out of this mess is to “speak the same thing.” We speak the same thing by speaking the truths that God called us to through Christ and His apostle (John 6:44). And that is exactly what I am going to do. My purpose is to “contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude v3). I will teach my family and teach God’s people, who are interested in the Plain Truth—not some watered-down variety.




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