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After Paul had founded the Corinthian church, Apollos was one of several evangelists who continued to build on the foundation which Paul laid. Paul and Apollos cooperated in every way possible; but Paul, an apostle, supervised the work of the evangelists (Titus 3:13). Undoubtedly one of the major reasons for the division at Corinth was the fact that Apollos, an eloquent speaker, had not been taught and trained personally by the apostle. He was doctrinally in error on a few points. Paul realized that to preserve harmony and unity, he had to direct and train Apollos as he had done with other young men who could serve him as evangelists. As evangelists, they were under him in authority, Paul was under the authority of Christ. It was the government of God in action. The Father made His will known to His Son who in turn made it known to Paul. The apostle then explained it to the evangelists, under his authority, who in turn taught it to the elders and the local congregations.

Notice Romans 15:20-22. It’s an OT quote, which proves that those of apostolic rank, being the direct representatives of Jesus Christ, should not build where others have preached the true gospel of the kingdom of God. This is important for us to remember today. In order that God’s work not be hindered by duplication, God directs that no others of apostolic rank should build upon the foundation that Jesus Christ laid through the ministry of Mr. Armstrong. And all who do build on it must be under his direction and authority. The Bible itself plainly reveals that any other plan leads to confusion and trouble. Any individual or group not yet understanding this phase of the government of God is only going to cause confusion and dissension among God's people (Matt. 12:30), as we see today.

Christ built His Church through His chosen apostle! At one time, we did, perhaps imperfectly, but certainly, in general, speak the same thing! We grew in Christ’s grace and knowledge and truth as well as in the size and scope of the Work. Just look at the fruits. If we continue to disagree with church doctrines and traditions, God will continue to withdraw His blessing more and more! We must CONTEND for the truth!


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