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A chosen course of thought and action, one's chosen opinion, tenant, sect; dissensions arising from diversity of opinion; doctrinal departures from revealed truth or erroneous views.

Heresy, in our terms today, means a departure from the truth, and the apostles warned us this would happen. Paul was ready and willing to die for the truth—to be in opposition to the heresy’s others were willing to embrace—are we?

Heresy illustrates to us a choice: we either choose to obey truth or go away from it, which may become apostasy if not corrected. HWA taught profusely about the two trees. As a matter of fact, many grew sick and tired of hearing it; yet we need it now more than ever before. It is the fundamental point that there are simply two ways—no in between—the philosophy of the world (the carnal natural mind) or the mind of God. You choose!

How does heresy happen? Believers come up with “new truth” or “grow in grace and knowledge,” which is code for we are changing doctrines and gullible (un-taught) persons will follow and support it because they are too timid and don’t choose to resist it. The Bible refers to us as sheep, but it doesn’t mean we have to be dumb sheep (Jer. 23).

Those who don’t go along with it are often called dissidents; confusion of issues incurs and they are accused of causing division or they are isolated. When you isolate an individual, who doesn’t follow the heresy you illuminate the opposition—the sheep are sheered.

Is opposition of heresy important? Is resistance important? Does God expect this of any of us? Isn’t this causing division if we do? Well, we have division anyway. Aren’t we just supposed to keep the peace? This is part of the propaganda—make those who resist feel like they are causing division, and put them under a guilt trip/complex so they second guess themselves.

Who has the responsibility to resist? Why is it so important? Ministers who are put in responsibility over a portion of the Bride of Christ are to look after her, shelter her, protect her and keep her from corruption! All leaders have this duty and responsibility to resist heresy. But they are not! Anyone who has influence has a responsibility to use it for good. Otherwise, it’s used for evil. It’s either-or. Every member in God’s church is to be a light and example against heresy in the church. True shepherds will defend. Hirelings flee!

Shouldn’t a warning alarm be sounded to God’s people even if it does cause division and that division leads away from a house of destruction? God’s church is a house on fire! IT’S ON FIRE! We must wake up the family! It is better to do something than to just sit in a burning house, go to a different room, and let it fall upon you, which we have been doing since 1987. Will this cause unrest? Yes, and church leaders don’t like that because it affects their pocketbooks. Too bad if it’s for the truth! Solutions start with individuals. Each person acting alone and then joining together, which brings a collective power. Satan wants to break up and isolate God’s people. He wants to divide our power and scatter—it’s a military tactic—to eventually smash the whole and destroy the collective power of the whole. What must we do?

Each of us must determine to resist the devil and draw near to God. Truth over error. The end result of heresy is apostasy, from God’s truths that have been revealed by God’s Spirit to His people by His apostles (EX: the 18 restored truths). The division can be healed by the Spirit of God. The heresy can be healed. And we can all be one in God if we just choose the truth!


From 1979 to 1986 God gave His church test and trial and we were strengthened by it. And God used that time to weed out from our midst some of the liberals who did not believe or speak the same thing (Of course, some liberals made it through and are still with us today.). God’s people were brought closer together for it. Jesus Christ is the living, active head of the church. We must not overlook that fact! It became necessary from 1979-1986 to set God’s Church back on the track of God’s unity—not the confusion of compromise or every man doing what is right in his own eyes, as we have today (Phil. 2:5)!

Now how does God put His doctrines and teachings into His Church? Only by His chosen apostles. Christ says we must all speak the same thing. What "same thing?" That which comes from the mind of Christ. The church in Corinth was not in harmony. It was divided. After 7 years of intensive, hard work—we have gotten out of harmony (from 1987 to the present). We are divided! How much time do we have left?

Each day that goes by brings us one day closer to the return of Jesus Christ and His marriage to His “One” Bride. Are we not sick and tired of holding up the show? It is only common sense to realize that if everyone teaches what he, personally, believes, or if we follow different leaders each speaking his own thing, we have only confusion! Our teachings and doctrines must come from God. Through Christ! And through His apostles!

We are all without excuse—why are so many not afraid to speak contemptuously, in hostility, or defacingly against Christ's apostle today (Num. 12:1-8)! Why do we not fear God (Jude v8)? It must only be a few things. Either people reject the teachings of the Bible or they do not believe that God chose HWA as His apostle. Or perhaps they think God is not the same yesterday, today, and forever! God is on His throne! He has not changed! Soon, the same God is going to shake this whole world — to produce astounding miracles — and those who take His Work lightly, and should have known better, are going to have to realize that He is the same God today!

We are in a trying and sifting time, right now, in God's Church. Can we not see that? God is trying us as never before. He is drawing those who both love and fear Him closer to Him and to each other (Isa. 66:5)! God is permitting trials and tests to come upon us so that we will rely on Him in unshaken faith! But the self-minded among us are blinded. They do not understand. They do not believe God is the same today and will act the same—in His own time!


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