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Pain in the Asp

In the fall, Texas witnesses a greater number of certain insects due to the increase in plant matter that has fallen on the ground. One of these creatures that we may meet is the Texas Asp. And its appearance suggests, “pet me”! The Texas asp is teardrop-shaped with long silky hairs resembling a tuft of cotton or fur. Their colors vary from yellow, gray, reddish-brown or a mixture. They are a cuddly-looking fuzzy caterpillar. They are sometimes found in quite an abundance found in shade trees and shrubs; although, they typically pose no dire threat to this vegetation (John 15). However, while the Texas asp appears inviting, their venomous covering screams, “Ouch!” Amidst the fine hairs are venomous spines that when brushed against the skin, produce a sting and painful rash. In some instances, the spines stick into the skin, causing rash and severe burning.

“In the past, Texas asps have been so numerous in some years that schools in San Antonio in 1923 and Galveston in 1951 were closed temporarily because of stings to children. Intense, throbbing pain develops immediately or within five minutes of contact with the caterpillar. Stings on the arm may also result in pain in the axillary (armpit) region. Erythematous (blood-colored) spots may appear at the site of the sting. Other symptoms include headaches, nausea, vomiting and sometimes shock or respiratory stress. Pain usually subsides within an hour and spots disappear in a day or so” (“The Texas Asp:” by Jenny Webster Jurica/Oct. 26, 2017).

“Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit; The poison of asps is under their lips” (Rom. 3:13). God reserves His strongest condemnation for those who claim to be speaking for Him, but are essentially leading people away from the truth (Jer. 23:25-40). “Wolves in sheep's clothing," Christ called them. Will you be misled by a cuddly-looking fuzzy exterior? Here is clear guidance from God's Word to see through the venomous and painful spines of the asp.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus Christ gave repeated caution to avoid misleading ministers. In the Sermon on the Mount, He said we should look at the fruits (Matt. 7:15-20). What fruits should we examine? Only those with an outer appearance that suggests, “pet me”? Certainly not! We should expect a misleading minister to attempt to pass himself off as a real one, or what he thinks is a real one (2 Cor. 11:13-15). We should expect a warm outward demeanor. And typically, we can be confident of an outward expression of acknowledgment, at least at first. But these fruits can be counterfeited. Then what? Putting on a “good show” is inconclusive proof of good fruit. Doing what God says is (Matt. 7:21-23)!

Misleading ministers often find it troublesome to call “a spade a spade”—they want to straddle both sides of the fence. If forced to take a stance, they usually try to express sin as vaguely as possible. After all, why lose followers by condemning wrong actions they enjoy and refuse to change? Why make waves? God's true doctrines, as restored by His apostle, express God's will. They show us “the way”. God does not want His true doctrines rejected, slanted or watered-down. He wants them kept fully because we want to (Rom. 6:17-18). Despite clear biblical teachings, many will still go their own way and follow their own opinions—excusing themselves from the full truth—because they keep the Sabbaths. No wonder Christ will tell them "depart"! Yet, that is the ungodly approach to doctrine many today have been taught. We are all not without some blame (Isa. 30:9-10); however, the main responsibility God lays is at the feet of misleading ministers (see Ezek. 22:25-26).

Occasionally, a minister or member who upholds the true doctrines of Christ is accused of being an “Armstrongite” in a misguided attempt to appease self-will. Indeed, we should all be known for godly mercy. But mercy does not mean watering-down doctrine. It means God granting forgiveness for the repentant, those who acknowledge their sins and strive to turn from them. On the other hand, God denounces misleading ministers for not showing the right, but unpopular way (Jer. 23:21-22). When God created mankind, He knew we would need a lot of forgiving. That is why Christ was "slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8). Christ's blood covers our sins, but not when we knowingly continue to walk contrary to church doctrine. We must forsake sin, ask for His free gift of forgiveness and begin to obey—not rationalize. Misleading ministers don't give a straight story about doctrine nor about God’s apostle who restored them. In fact, they often refer to him as an error-laden flip-flopper and instead, give their own version of the story. It’s truly amazing how many opinions there are of a dead man who cannot defend himself. A true minister knows God is the source of His doctrines, not man. This is the true government of God in action!

It’s important to distinguish that we are talking about those inside the church. In some cases, it is underground liberals who chose to resurface after the apostle’s death. In Acts 20:28-30, the Apostle Paul called the ministers of Ephesus together during his final visit to their city. He knew that misleading ministers would soon descend upon the people of God. He alerts us all of the dangers we would face. True ministers protect the flock from those who would brush their venomous spines against the skin, to produce a sting and painful rash (spiritually). But many misleading ministers in God's true Church—like a painful asp—have coveted Christ's sheep. They have turned from true doctrine and the apostle they had originally acknowledged. Then set up their own government, with themselves at the top. That is mutiny, one of the most painful stings the Church of God must endure in these end times. A faithful minister will always submit to the government of God and recognize that the source of true doctrine never changes. Christ's words are expressly clear: “He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him” (John 7:18).

When on this earth, the Son faithfully honored, obeyed and glorified His Father who sent Him. The apostles of Jesus Christ, whom He sent throughout the world, responded to Him in the same spirit of honor and respect. The apostles, in turn, ordained men under themselves to administer to the spiritual needs of the brethren they served. Sadly, many in these ranks, under the apostles, were not faithful in their offices—as we see today. So many have turned from serving the needs of the brethren under the government of God to serving their own interests instead. Peter warned the church of these same dangers (2 Peter 2:1-3). Anyone can fall short of the glory of God. But often, true ministers become misleading ministers, to receive for themselves the admiration and contributions owed to God's true servants. The “prophet” motive becomes the profit motive. Asps wear fine, colorful hair, but it’s mixed with venomous self-protecting spikes, which if touched deliver pain. If anyone of us persists in our own way, opposed to the doctrines of Christ’s apostle, the Great Tribulation will deliver pain and if still unrepentant, the Lake of Fire. Peter said many would follow the wrong way.

Why do misleading ministers have a following? In some cases, many have simply inherited their parent’s religion. And upon conversation, one quickly discovers that these individuals have not deeply studied the true doctrines of the Church—as taught by Christ’s chosen apostle. In fact, regarding the one true apostle for our time, they have mostly been taught that he was a “flip-flopper” who made hundreds of mistakes. And so, they just idly accept the misguided information from misleading ministers, as much as they do their own given name. Yet, others, simply prefer to look good rather than do good. God commands, “Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins” (Isa. 58:1). Too many want a religion that appears godly, but without the constraints. The Sabbath and Holy Days are pleasant. Biblical truths about makeup, birthdays and drunkenness are not! Ministers that dare not encroach on individual self-will are tolerated. Those who teach God’s people to follow the Word of God are accused of causing division and mocked as “Armstrongites” or similar. Misleading ministers have followers because many people want a religious social club more than they want God. We can now choose from hundreds of different corporate, “Church of God”, splinter groups. There is a “flavor” for everyone. The vast majority of which are lenient and watered-down. It seems none dare to go all the back to the true doctrines as taught by Christ’s apostle, the end-time Elijah. There is too much fear in losing converts—peace and error over truth! Misleading ministers recognize and cater to the itching ears of wayward brethren (2 Tim. 4:2-4). Essentially, the cuddly-looking fuzzy caterpillar entices people, “pet me”, but the reality is a spiky, “ouch”—thereby, leading away from life toward death. Continuously, in Paul's writings, he shares how often he had to contend with misleading ministers and self-willed brethren. He wrote Timothy how to recognize them quickly (1 Tim. 6:3-5).

Why does God allow a painful asp access to His flock? Why doesn't He expose the venomous spikes before they do any harm? Are there any good reasons? Deuteronomy 13:1-3 is the most basic scripture regarding misleading ministers and explains the why. God wants His people to stay with Him and the truth no matter what. Those with "itching ears" desiring to turn away from or water down His doctrines—or overrule the apostle He chose—will be given the opportunity to do so. One way or another God must be able to say of us, “Now I know”. And we will continue to be sifted until this occurs! Perhaps, upon seeing the error of their way, some will acknowledge their wrong and contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. God is confident the elect will not be led astray by misleading ministers. Are you the elect?

Jesus Christ is the True Shepherd and His sheep acknowledge His voice (John 10:4-5). They accept His doctrine. “Jesus answered them and said, ‘My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me. If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority’” (John 7:16-17). The faithful will respect the apostle whom Christ placed as a leader and used powerfully to restore the truth that had been forgotten for 1900 years. “Then they said to Him, ‘What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent’” (John 6:28-29). The Church of God has certainly encountered many tests and trials—many misleading ministers are among us—individuals who teach partial truths because they refuse to go all the back! But the called, chosen and faithful—those who endure to the end—will seek God’s government and God’s will. They won’t experience the sting and resulting complications from the painful asp. They will not be led astray! Thankfully, it is just not possible. Those who are truly contending will see through the fuzzy, colorful fine hairs and avoid the pain from the asp (Titus 3:9-11).


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