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Speak The Same Thing - Part 1

God commands we all "speak the same thing."

But what is Christ’s means of giving us that "same thing"? From the Philadelphia Era’s inception until about 1969 God's Church did "speak the same thing”. Yet, history shows that by 1978 many of the ministers were speaking different things! And God withdrew His blessing and power that for 35 years caused the Work of His church to grow at the approximate rate of 30 percent every year over the preceding year! What caused God to withdraw? Precisely the same thing that choked the growth of the Church of God at Corinth in 56 AD—25 years after the church was founded at Jerusalem. They were starting to follow different leaders teaching different doctrines (1 Cor. 1:10)! The church was becoming divided, and a church divided against itself cannot stand! History shows that once such division starts among ministers it is a difficult matter to correct—most are unwilling to change back from error and watered-down doctrines to God's truth! (Also notice Rom. 16:17-18). We must all speak the same thing, as God commands! But how? How does Jesus Christ put His doctrines into His Church—whether it’s AD 31 or 1933 or 2021?

Do we each get to decide for ourselves what is right from wrong—what is the truth from error? God says we in His church must all believe and speak the same thing—we must be agreed on what is truth and right and good as opposed to what is evil and sin. We have not obeyed that command of Jesus Christ since 1987! We have not all believed the same thing! There have been divisions among us for that very reason! We are guilty before God of disobeying His explicit command and God’s time of trial and test is again upon us (Dan. 12:9-10)!

In 1979 it became apparent that some of the ministers did not believe many of the doctrines Christ had put into His church—they had liberal leanings. So, behind HWA’s back—unknown to him, while he was in another part of the world carrying Christ's Gospel message into other nations—they produced what they called the STP, changing and watering down—making more liberal—many doctrines Christ had put into God's Church. Why did they do this? They were deluded and misguided. They denied the central truism: that the "same thing" we must all speak must be what Christ speaks; and for unity in what He speaks, the doctrines must be put into the church by Jesus Christ through His apostles—and none other! And certainly not by compromising, watering down Christ's teachings to satisfy rebellious liberals or the intellectualism being carried out by those acting outside the parameters of their God-given roles.

Will there be any now, at the end of the age, who do have the mind of Christ and are surrendered to the Spirit of God, who will be used by Jesus Christ in rooting out this spiritual cancer from God's Church? How much time do we have left?


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