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Speak the Same Thing - Part 2

God took it personally when Miriam/Aaron spoke against Moses. No doubt that God also takes it personally when people speak against His apostles. The church is God’s Church. The Head of the church, under God, is Jesus Christ. Under Christ, on the human level, is His chosen apostles, through whom He has raised up and built this spiritual temple to which the reigning Christ shall come in glory (Eph. 2:20-21).

God commands that we all speak the same thing! It must be that thing which the mind of Christ speaks—and He spoke only as the Father commanded (John 12:49). All doctrines in the church were put in by the apostles. All doctrines were put into the church by Jesus Christ through His chosen apostle, HWA. Now, why does Christ use such caution in putting His doctrines into God's church through an apostle—and NOT evangelists, pastors or elders? Let’s make that point clear!

Acts 15 is a crucial chapter that has been misinterpreted, twisted and distorted. The other apostles and ministers were all in confusion, arguing and disputing. But Christ silenced them by speaking through His chosen chief apostle, Peter! In human history, God spoke directly in person to Adam and Eve. They did not believe what He said! But God chose Moses, and God chooses only a man who believes what God says. The prophets were chosen by God—not by themselves—and they believed what God inspired and wrote it for us. Christ came and preached to many thousands. Yet only 120 believed what He said. And even of the apostles, there was disputing until Christ spoke through Peter. When Christ chose HWA for this time, He chose a fallible man who 1) believed what God said; 2) would not compromise or water-down truths and doctrines Christ had given, and 3) had an open mind to receive further truth from Christ and was willing to acknowledge the error and turned from it!

The fruits bear out that as long as the church believed and spoke the same thing Christ put in it through His apostle, God blessed it, and it grew 30 percent a year for 35 years. History also bears out what takes place when liberals, intellectuals, and self-proclaimed gurus start watering down God's doctrines—under a false influence of Laodicean lukewarmness and indifference, losing their fear of God. Satan is going about, as always, seeking whom he may devour. He will try every imaginable scheme to overthrow us. How do we overcome division (1 Cor. 3:10)?


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