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The Bible

The Islamic world is to be considered a monotheistic religion and one that is articulated by the teachings contained in the Qur’an. This text is considered by these religious adherents to be the verbatim word of God given through Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet.

The overall Hindu religion has many different groups and beliefs that it shares based mainly, but not exclusive to India. My understanding is that there beliefs are written in a number of different books, as well.

I suppose one could go on about various religious groups (Book of Mormon), but I think the point is made clear. Every group or religion has its own written teachings. What makes the Bible so special? I have had to ponder many times in my life the truth regarding my belief in the Bible being the inspired Word of God. Why not these other books? If I had been born in India would I simply believe in Hinduism—therefore the Bible just another book? If I had been born in Iraq, would the Qur’an be the sacred text, to me? Do I believe and follow the Bible simply because I just happen to be born and raised with it? Truth be told, in part, yes! However, there is a special connection with this stark reality.

This connection has been lost by most throughout the “sands of time.” Generally, as a people we don’t remember who we are. We have lost our identity, which we should have guarded with our dear lives. I would make the point, at least to some degree, that if you don’t know where you came from; then how can you know where you are going. Identity is key! Our history and our heritage have become misplaced to us, which allows Satan to get a foot-hold in our individual lives and the whole of the nation. This lost key has led us to lose our pride as a people—this kind of pride is not wrong. This loss of pride has led us to compromise and tolerate so much of what we once stood against and it is leading to the decline of who we really are and what we once stood for. What do we stand for and why?

Simply, “In God we trust.” Our culture was built upon the basis of Bible teaching—the Ten Commandments is at the heart-and-core of our society and way of life. Despite our abject sinning and wickedness against these principles, overall, we can’t help ourselves and the Bible is still a number one best seller. We are drawn to it! Why, despite ourselves, are we driven to this book above all others? Why am I driven to this book above all others?

I could list many different reasons: prophecy (history written in advance) and history (recorded prophecy from the past), for instance. The Bible contains upwards to one-fourth of prophetic material. The pin-point accuracy is what stands in stark contrast to all other writings and attempts over the centuries. A particular favorite study of mine is archeology. How intriguing to literally dig up out of the “sands of time” and the dust of ashes real life occasions—irrefutable proof of the existence of places, events and people!  What are some the of greatest, foundational archaeological discoveries of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: The Rosetta Stone—key to Egypt’s splendid past; The Behistun Inscription—gateway to Assyrian-Babylonian antiquity; The Moabite Stone—a sensational literary find; The Code of Hammurabi—light on Mosaic laws; The Elephantine Papri—light on the Ezra-Nehemiah era; The Hittite Monuments from Boghaz-Keul; The city of Ur—Abraham’s home; The Religious Texts from Ras Shamra—Canaanite cults exposed; The Nuzi Tablets and the Biblical Horites; The Mari Letters; The Lachish Ostraca—Jeremiah’s age; The Dead Sea Scrolls; The Jerusalem Excavations and Elba. One could go on regarding this subject, but I think the point is adequately made clear. I could make mention of the Bible’s journey in time. This book has some forty different authors who have contributed to it in a span of over 1500 years. Particularly ironic, to me, is the Bible’s survival during the utter devastation and destruction of Judah during the final siege and takeover of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The temple was destroyed and all its articles were taken back to Babylon. Yes, the Bible was preserved in Babylon, of all places, and God placed a young Jewish man at the right time and right place. This teen was given full access to these sacred scrolls to make sure they were carried forward—his name is Daniel! The Bible is a “how-to” manual. The Bible describes a way of life that if followed works! This way of life is for all people and for all times. It is never outdated or out-of-touch with reality. It may not contain your exact name and circumstance, but if studied the principle will be taught somewhere within its pages—you will find an answer—no matter what century you live. In contrast, if one chooses to reject this way of life the pitfalls and consequences the Bible describes are inescapable and blatant.

Finally, why do I truly believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God, in conjunction with these mentioned proofs? Why is the Bible my book? The answer, again, is my identity! The Bible is a book about the nation of Israel. The history is primarily about Israel. What happened when she obeyed and what occurred when she disobeyed? The many recorded prophecies are about Israel—what her future beholds and why. Many archeological finds in some way, either directly or indirectly prove Israel’s existence in antiquities. The way of life described in the pages of the Bible are Commandments, Statutes and Judgments given to a group of people—Israelites! Therefore, when we read the Bible we are essentially reading about Israel. For the most part, the only time other nations are referenced is because they come into contact or conflict with Israel. The Bible is a book for Israel. We are modern day Israel and I am an Israelite, from the tribe of Benjamin.



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