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In the book of Revelation, we read that those Christians who are Philadelphians are potential pillars in the Kingdom of God. What will pillars be doing? Pillars will be those individuals that will assist Christ in teaching God’s way of life to mankind. There is one aspect that we will be teaching in the future that I believe is one of the greatest needs in the Church of God today. Unity! How can we as Christians in God’s church personally promote unity? In other words, what can we individually do?

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity” (Ps. 133:1)! I’m sure it is a true pleasure for God to look down and see His people dwelling together in peace, harmony, and unity—overall happiness! Conversely, I’m sure it pains Him and brings great displeasure in His heart to see His people living in confusion and division.

There are many reasons that lead to disunity and thereby causing people to go their own way and to do their own thing. Yet, there often seems to be one main underlying point. Notice Judges 17:6, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” This problem is certainly nothing new—it is longstanding. There is a certain scenario that plays out in this book and it repeats itself many times. Verse 6 is a culminating scripture as to what the problem was. Too many people are caught up in their own personal agendas. And it’s led to disunity and division—what a sad and repeated commentary of today! Unity and peace are products of God’s way and of His government. They are undermined when everyone is doing his own thing. And usurping unsanctioned authority. And it only takes one. Let alone 600. Pillars will be those individuals that will assist Christ in teaching God’s way of life to mankind. Will we be able to teach unity (Phil. 2:5-8)?

Unity springs forth from our personal humility. A humility that strives and desires to follow the doctrines and traditions of Christ’s apostle. To promote unity, each one of us must place what God wants in front of what we want. In Philippians 2:1-4, we are given six aspects of servanthood, which lead to unity. These are six aspects that we can personally work on and personally incorporate into our own Christian lives: same love, one accord, one mind, no selfishness, esteem others, look out for others’ interests. Perhaps, each could be studied in detail and better incorporated into the way we live.

The church is more than just a social club. We are being trained to be pillars in the Kingdom of God. Individuals that will lead, serve and teach. Let all of us make it a personal goal to grow in humility by living these six aspects of servanthood and thereby, leading the way in unity.


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