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Merriam-Webster dictionary defines poison as "a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism." A poison is defined by dosage; meaning it’s considered a poison when administered in a dose that causes harm or death. There are several methods by which one can become poisoned: contact; ingested, or injected. Poison can occur naturally or created synthetically. Poisoning can be acute or chronic. “Acute poisoning is exposure to a poison on one occasion or during a short period of time. Symptoms develop in close relation to the exposure.  Chronic poisoning is long-term repeated or continuous exposure to a poison where symptoms do not occur immediately or after each exposure. The person gradually becomes ill or becomes ill after a long latent period” (Wikipedia “Poison”). No matter the scenario—dosage, occurrence, contact, or timing—poison of any type is bad news! Thus, we will typically see MSDS and warning labels on poisonous products. Labels such as:



“If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of poison exposure or may have been exposed to poison, please seek medical attention immediately. Please note that the type of symptoms experienced, onset of symptoms, and length of time it takes to die from the poisons listed… depend on the method of exposure and dose received.”


Now, let’s ask a few questions. If a huge, high-dollar conglomerate poisoned your family’s drinking water and didn’t tell you, would you be upset? Would you be tempted to sue? What if only 5% of your water was contaminated? How about 2 percent? What about 1 percent? Would you still drink it if they told you that your water contained poison?  Would you let your spouse still drink it? How about your children? What if they offered you a settlement—would you ignore the facts and drink it anyway?


Let’s now apply this spiritually (John 7:37-39). So often I hear brethren say or write comments such as: “We are all basically the same; we essentially follow what Herbert Armstrong taught; we follow the fundamental teachings of HWA; we are very close; I know it’s a little off but; we keep the same basic doctrines.” And, so it goes! Doctrine is theology. Doctrine is the sum of our truth and faith. Doctrine is our belief system or set of beliefs; it’s what the Church teaches, what we accept (or deny), and what we are held to. We are admonished, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).


How does God put the doctrines—the teachings that we are to preach and believe into the Church? Naturally, through the One who is the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. One point of teaching can be found in 1 Corinthians 1:10 where Paul said, “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing…” He doesn't want Sam speaking one thing, and Gertrude something else. We are commanded to all speak the same thing. Now that “same thing” must come from God, and not from the desires or pride of men. Do you agree with that, or are you willing to drink a little poison? Or do some of you think it should be the opinions of men, slightly contrary to God? The Corinthian Church was not in harmony. In verses 11-12, Paul declares why. Just read it! They had contentions and God doesn't want these contentions. He doesn't want these differences of one saying, "Well, I don't like that doctrine, and I want to get this watered down, and I want that modified, or it’s essentially the same and basically close enough."


How did God put His doctrines, beliefs, customs, and practices into His Church? Through Jesus Christ! How did Jesus Christ give the Church its beliefs? The teachings of the Church do not come from a council of ministers and/or lay members, who vote on what to believe. The true answer: Through His chosen apostle! That is God’s way! An apostle is one sent forth proclaiming the Message, but not a resident pope over a political hierarchy. Peter, Paul, and the other original apostles were all human and subject to mistakes. Yet, the Church received all its doctrines, teachings, and practices through those apostles! There is not one example of the Church receiving its beliefs any other way! God’s apostles will never compromise with God's truth; yet, their minds will always be open to proof of what is that truth. Ephesians 2:19-20 reads, “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.”


There is not a single prophet in the New Testament who had input into the doctrine, but the Old Testament prophets did. Most of the prophets of the Old Testament were writing things that were never given to ancient Israel at all—they are for our day. All doctrine, all of what the Church has believed for nearly 2000 years, was put into the Church by the apostles. They got some of it from the prophets, but it was put in by the apostles. That's why the Church is on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Christ the chief cornerstone. Christ taught the original twelve directly. Peter was their leader. God works through one man. Jesus Christ is the Word of God in person, and Christ's apostle today—Herbert W. Armstrong—received the same truth from the Word of God in print, which is exactly what Christ said in person. For those who reject Mr. Armstrong as an apostle, surely you will continue to do what you have been doing for 37 years—“what seems right in your own eyes” (Judges 21:25; Prov. 14:12). For those who claim Mr. Armstrong as an apostle, you need to stop what you have been doing for 37 years—“what seems right in your own eyes” (Rev. 3:14-22). The time to repent is now before it is too late! Remember, the apostles are the teachers, and they instilled in the Church the beliefs, teachings, practices, and customs of the Church (Acts 2:42-47; 2 Thess. 2:15). And all members of the Church are required by God to believe and speak the same thing!


How much of the “same thing?” Mostly the same thing? Some of the same thing? Basically, the same thing? Fundamentally the same thing? Close to the same thing? What is your percentage of acceptable poison? What is God’s? He is our Father and we, His children. Our Father does not want us to drink any poison! No matter what the percentage. And no matter what the liberals tell us. If you are one degree off traveling from the Earth to the moon, you would miss it by over 4,000 miles. What is the point? The same applies to truth. The same is true with the Kingdom of God! Putting our human reasoning aside, how much error do we believe God will accept—5%, 2%, or even 1%? If we are not “contending for the faith” (Jude v3)—for 100% of the truth—then how could God ever trust us with everlasting life in His Family Government? Indeed, “…a little leaven leavens the whole lump” (1 Cor. 5:6).


Mr. Armstrong was vehement that he would not compromise with the truth, which I believe we all should take great comfort in, however, he also firmly taught us:


“If you want to compromise, go join one of these factions that have turned off from us that are liberal. They’ll be real liberal. They let you go if you want to go Satan’s way instead of God’s way, and pretend that you’re in the Kingdom of God, pretend you’re in God’s Church. If you want to kid yourself, go do it until you die” (Sermon “Rely On God” by HWA, 4/6/85).


There is no confusion in what he said, and the Bible is clear that we are being judged now. Judgment is on the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). It’s not on the people of this world. Judgment is not even on Catholics and Protestants currently. Judgment is on us.


Regarding the entire liberal approach, which desires to go as far in the wrong direction as possible (even just 1%) yet, still be in the Kingdom, was addressed by Mr. Armstrong in the December 8, 1980, article entitled ‘Satan Deceive And Use Me? – Never!!’:


“And where does it lead? You take one such false step, accept one false “truth” and refuse to repent of it at once, and turn from it, you will then go into more and more error.”


In the same article, he goes on to illustrate his point. Imagine you are walking along in a dense forest during a moonless night. It’s pitch black! But off in the distance, you can make out a lighted lantern held by an experienced guide. If you follow the light, you will be led safely out of the woods. Yet, if you veer one or two steps to either side you lose sight of the light. It’s there, but you can’t see it. And without the light, you are lost! He goes on to write, “If one turns aside from God’s truth on just one point, or one doctrine, and does not quickly repent, the light of God’s truth moves on. In his self-centered effort to find the light of truth, he now walks blindly in wrong directions. He takes more and more steps in the wrong direction. That is, he proceeds into more and more error, all the while losing more and more of what truth he had” (‘Satan Deceive And Use Me? – Never!!’).


The Word of God is “a lamp to our feet” (Ps. 119:105). It’s meant to guide us out of all darkness or error and into the light of truth. The lamp is powered by oil, which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit lighting up our understanding of the truth (Matt. 25:1-13). If we are led by God’s Spirit (Rom. 8:14) then we are led into truth one step at a time—out of error and sin. Conversely, if we walk in the wrong direction one step at a time—reject one point of truth—it’s like veering off into the dark woods. And now we are no longer being led by the Spirit of God. God’s truth continues to move forward, but we will be left behind and lost once again in the darkness of sin. Mr. Armstrong continues, “In other words, if you reject one point of truth, or take one step aside into one point of error – unless you repent immediately and get back to the light – you will take more and more steps into erroneous beliefs, and one by one give up the points of truth you had seen and accepted.”


Today, there is a plethora of corporate splinter groups to choose from. You can pick your poison. But is it God’s Church, or the people’s church? If it’s God’s Church, then God is leading it, and revealing what to teach and believe. If it is God’s Church, then it has the government of God running it. Jesus Christ is the Head and He directs it through His chosen apostle. That apostle, Mr. Armstrong, writes: “…men are getting your eyes off of God – you are leaving God out of the picture – out of the Church. You are looking only at people! If you want to put God out of His Church, then you will have to be excommunicated” (Pastor General’s Report - 1980-07-11 - Shall We All Leave The Church Of God And Join The Church Of People?)!


God sternly warns:” If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does nothing Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:6-7). In every Church era, God has had true ministers and true servants. Today’s end-time Philadelphian era, with all its menagerie, is no different, for those who are willing to look. Are you, personally, willing to seek the truth? Are you willing to live by it? Or are you satisfied to drink a little poison? “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… I also will forget your children” (Hosea 4:6). Our Father—Who says, “I change not” (Mal. 3:6)—rejects those who refuse to heed, to accept, and to act on the truth He makes available! For with this truth comes a very serious responsibility!



“If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of false doctrine exposure or may have been exposed to false doctrine, please seek spiritual attention immediately. Please note that the type of symptoms experienced, onset of symptoms, and length of time it takes to die from the false doctrines listed… depend on the method of exposure and dose received.”


No one who hasn't surrendered one hundred percent to God Almighty can have an understanding in these end times. How about you?


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