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Sincerity Without Truth is Recall

Ice Cream Recall: Baskin-Robbins, Turkey Hill and More Brands Recalled

By ALLISON SCHONTER - May 2, 2022 11:45 am EDT

“As spring temperatures start feeling more like summer, you may want to do a double check before cooling down with a scoop of ice cream, because several new recalls are impacting numerous brands. Ice creams from Baskin-Robbins, Best Buy, President's Choice, and Scotsburn Joins Farmers have all been recalled, with Turkey Hill Dairy also at the center of a new ice cream recall. The first recall was announced on April 13, when the Canadian Food Inspection Agency posted a recall notice for various ice cream brands that may contain pieces of plastic and metal. Consumers were urged not to eat, and hotels, restaurants, and retailers were advised not to sell, serve, or distribute the following products: Baskin-Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream, Pralines 'N Cream Ice Cream, Chocolate Mousse Royale Ice Cream, and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream; Best Buy Vanilla Ice Milk; President's Choice Loads of Chocolatey Caramel Treats Light Ice Cream, Ice Cream Shop Elk Crossing Ice Cream, Ice Cream Shop Rocky Road Ice Cream, Ice Cream Shop Vanilla Ice Cream, Ice Cream Shop Mint Ice Cream, and Ice Cream Shop Mango Ice Cream; and Scotsburn Joins Farmers Hoof Prints Light Ice Cream…The recalled ice creams were sold throughout Canada. Just a week, a second ice cream recall was issued for Turkey Hill Dairy's Chocolate Marshmallow Premium Ice Cream. A recall notice posted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) informed consumers that the 48-ounce containers of this ice cream may contain undeclared peanuts. An undeclared allergen can prove hazardous, and potentially even life-threatening, to those who suffer an allergy…The FDA said retail stores that receive the recalled ice cream were instructed to remove the product from their shelves.”

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus stated: “…I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” This promise began on the Feast of Pentecost 31 AD. That is our long-standing spiritual heritage. We are still here today based on that promise. However, as we all know this heritage has been reduced to a mishmash of manmade flavors with the resulting effects being the current scene of corporate “Church of God” splinter groups. Every one of us can now pick the flavor of our choice. In fact, why choose only one while visiting the mega-store “Baskin Robins Church of God: 601 Flavors and Counting?” Does this statement mean I am attacking the brethren? Does it mean I am condemning every individual’s motives? It does not! I must believe most of us are sincere in what we believe and in the resulting actions or lack thereof that we take. Thereby, the past 36 years have seen God’s called out ones divided time and again as we all file ourselves into a particular flavor. Yet, regarding sincerity, I truly believe it behooves each one of us to reconsider the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus offers a sobering warning of spiritual deception to His disciples:

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness’” (Matt. 7:21-23).

This is speaking of God’s Church. Brethren professing the name of Jesus Christ and ministers preaching and casting out demons in His name. But at the end of it all, He responds, “I’ve never seen you before in My life!” So many scattered brethren today are sincere, keeping the Sabbath and the testimony of Jesus, and they sit thinking in their splinter groups, I’m alright with God.” But Christ will directly say that I don’t know who you are. How very sobering to consider! Sincerity without truth is recall! I have been in God’s Church my whole life—this is all I know. In fact, I feel like one of those in the book of Ezra who remembered the glory of the first temple and cried upon the site of the remake (Ezra 3:12; Hag. 2:3). It pains me to have witnessed what has been done to God’s Church. I have known so many wonderful people that have come and gone. So few remain that are now scattered into 601 flavors. Indeed, I feel a painful and tragic reality of the distinct possibility that we may go the distance, just to be recalled due to contamination. Oh? Pray tell.

The Smith family has been faithful members of God’s Church for twenty years. Slowly heresies enter the teachings until apostasy. They make the decision to follow their friends and favorite minister to a newly formed splinter group. They are sincere, they keep the Sabbath and the Holy days, but do not disregard certain heresies. Christ returns and says, “Who are you?” Sincerity without truth is recall!

A husband named Bob proclaims he wants to attend COG flavor “A” because it is the closest to the truth. But his wife is very convincing. After all, happy wife, happy life and she prefers flavor “B” as she demands the continued use of makeup. They are sincere, they keep the Sabbath and the Holy days, but do not disregard certain heresies. Christ returns and says, “Who are you?” Sincerity without truth is recall!

George, a long-time evangelist in the Church of God once proclaimed and understood the biblical truth that Christ gives the church its teachings through apostles. But he has a new idea that becomes “his baby” and he wants everyone to recognize that he is just as smart. He pushes his agenda; it works and gains favor amongst the brethren. So many now look up to him as a great teacher. He sincerely formed a new doctrine. Christ returns and says, “Who are you?” Sincerity without truth is recall!

Gertrude has served the brethren heartfeltly for many years. She knows certain teachings are wrong—the church should not be voting or politicking. However, the minister recently ordained her a deaconess. She now owes this man her homage so decides to ignore the wrong teachings and sincerely continues serving. She is seemingly a shining example to the brethren; yet, upon the much-anticipated return of Jesus Christ, He says to her: “Who are you?” Sincerity without truth is recall!

Pastor Larry has formed a sizeable following for himself. He justifies not returning all the way to the truth for fear of losing members, i.e., his nest egg. Samantha accepts a compromise to keep the peace. Sam sincerely decides it is easier to live a lie than follow the truth if he observes the Sabbath. Mark believes the work is over and teaches a get gospel of “prepare the Bride only.” He sincerely dedicates himself to half the commission right up until the second coming of Christ upon which Jesus demands a return on His investment but doesn’t recognize him. Sincerity without truth is recall!

Each one of us can fill in the blanks regarding situations we may be aware of or involved with; however, no matter the scenario it does not take long to discern the seriousness of this delusion. Any person can convince himself something is right when it is wrong or false when it is true (Jer. 17:9). As the Proverbs tells us: “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (14:16; 16:25).

Saul thought he was doing right by God as he persecuted Christians. He was certainly sincere in his actions, but they were not based at all on the truth of the scriptures about Jesus as the Messiah. He later commented, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief” (1 Tim. 1:13-13). He was sincere, but wrong. He thought one way, but the truth was another. He acted one way but should have been acting another. Of course, because of his repentance, he did “obtain mercy” from God. Like so many in our day, his sincerity was not based on truth and they fail to follow where God leads (2 Cor. 4:2-4). Due to this human proclivity, the Bible contains numerous warnings throughout so that we will not be deceived: “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand” (Matt. 24:24-25). We know, in advance, that the end of the age will be a trying time. Jesus warned, “Take heed that you not be deceived” (Luke 21:8). The Apostle Paul shows there is danger in being deceived by others, but there is also a real danger in deceiving ourselves (1 Cor. 3:17-18). He stresses this danger time and again: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived…” and “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits’” (1 Cor. 6:9 and 15:33). He warned the Galatians (Gal. 6:7). James recognized the danger (James 1:15-16). John gives a warning (1 John 3:7). These kinds of warnings show us—who are called out of this world—that sincerity without truth is recall and there is a real danger!

Do any of these warnings have a direct bearing on us personally? Are we willing to apply them? Will we stand up and contend for what is right in the face of persecution to avoid being recalled at the very end? Be careful, brethren, as too many think they are right when they are wrong. Too many are allowing their thoughts to lead them astray so that reality is far different from what they think it is!

Gods called out ones are scattered across 601 and counting different “COG” corporations. Naturally, each person is either convinced or has compromised enough to sincerely believe his or her organization is the right one—despite errant teaching. Some believe they are all correct—ignoring Christ’s Words that we all be one (John 17:21). Some believe evangelists can change the doctrines, traditions, and policies of an apostle—completely disregarding the government of God (Eph. 4). And thus, each flavor can be found! Sincerity without truth is recall.

Are we willing to follow the truth and reject the lie? If splinter groups retain heretical errors with their hybrid mixture of doctrine—some from the apostle and some of their own flavor—what should be our response? We need to acknowledge the facts aside from anyone’s sincerity. There are not 601 flavors to the Kingdom of God. We must look in the mirror and acknowledge our own responsibility (1 Cor. 3:18)—your friends and/or favorite minister is not going to save you. This is a personal thing between you and God! “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one [man] may take your crown” (Rev. 3:11). What excuses do we have that God will accept? How much error is okay—10%, 5%, or even 1%? How many things need to be wrong with a dollar bill to make it a counterfeit? Are we still studying, praying, and contending for the truth we were taught? Satan has deceived the whole world—we are called out of this world—deception must give way to the truth! We must all examine our beliefs (2 Cor. 13:5)—pass or fail?

Are we ready for the return of Jesus Christ? Has your involvement in the “Baskin Robins Church of God: 601 Flavors and Counting” prepared you? As Jesus stated, are you striving (Luke 13:24)? Will you be as Noah or Lot, who out of millions, were rescued from utter destruction, which is coming upon this whole world as never before? Will we be ready? Don’t rely on your human reasoning. All of those who do this are not right with God and unprepared to meet Christ in judgment. Examine yourself to determine if you are prepared to meet the Lord; is Christ in you? Observe your life, your beliefs, your worldview, your lifestyle, and your relationship with God. Prepare now, while you may! Constructing a proper and reliable temple is only possible using a tool called a plumb line. Without this tool, the builder however well-meaning and sincere is likely to make serious miscalculations (Eph. 2:19-22). Sincerity is certainly admirable, but the truth is absolute. The Bible clearly states: “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). If we choose to ignore the restored truths from God the Father to Jesus Christ and through His apostle it will adversely affect our opportunity for everlasting life. Sincerity is not enough as we can be sincerely wrong. Remember the five foolish virgins (Matt. 25:1-11). Yes, we must be sincere, but not at the expense of following the truth (Acts 20:27). Jesus Christ is returning to this earth and make no mistake He will draw a line in the sand: “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still” (Rev. 22:11). We must follow what is right, not what we think is right or what we are willing to accept. Are you following His way? Let’s not get to the end of this whole thing, just to be recalled because of a contaminated flavor. Sincerity without truth is recall!


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