Doctrine /ˈdäktrən/ noun: doctrine; plural noun: doctrines
· a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.
"the doctrine of predestination"
· a stated principle of government policy, mainly in foreign or military affairs.
A doctrine is simply a point of truth from God‘s Word about the purpose and plan of God. Doctrines explain various aspects of man’s relationship to God (see Hebrews 6:l-2). In his second epistle John wrote, “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds” (v9-11).The true doctrine of Christ is the truth which He reveals through His Word (John 17:17). Unless every doctrine we believe fits perfectly and harmoniously into the whole of the doctrine of Jesus (as revealed in the Bible)—unless what we have learned only further serves to clarify and further explain the whole plan of God—then it is not “truth,” but error.
Well….what about the doctrine of makeup—truth or error? —HWA has been heavily criticized by many—members and minister alike—because he “supposedly” changed his mind on this subject. One minister stated, “This is not and has never been a fundamental doctrine. It’s ridiculous to think so. It came to be used by some as a test of conversion. It’s extreme and should not have been done. Mr. Armstrong vacillated on the subject. His personal views were affected by his personal relationships—his daughter and second wife—affected by his generational background. Initially he espoused moderation, but some were extreme and he was pushed and compelled to render a decision which extended to the whole church, even though it was a HQ problem. 20 years later he changed his mind and reversed his opinion (because of his daughter meeting heads-of-state). Then years later he reversed that reversal—two driving forces. 1-college coeds and production with heavy makeup. 2-he was having a problem with his second wife at that time. He felt moderation was not being employed so he decided nobody wears it.” This is constantly echoed yet today! But is it right? He said,” “This is not and has never been a fundamental doctrine.” Let’s ask a simple question: What does fundamental mean?
fun·da·men·tal /ˌfəndəˈmen(t)əl/ adjective: forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
Basic; foundational; rudimentary; elemental; elementary; underlying; basal; radical; root; primary; cardinal; initial; original; prime; first; primitive; primordial; principal; chief; capital; key; central; structural; organic; constitutional; inherent; intrinsic; ingrained; vital; essential; important; indispensable; necessary; crucial; pivotal; critical
So current “church leaders” have deemed this doctrine as unimportant and unnecessary for salvation and convinced the membership its unimportant, which is completely against the teachings of the apostle and thereby against the teachings of Jesus Christ and God the Father. The church has a responsibility and duty to teach true doctrine. Yet, for the past three decades the ball has been dropped. We are commanded to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” We have a personal responsibility to act upon truth!
The following is a Makeup Timeline, with all the necessary links, representing the truth about this doctrine. Will you prove and believe the truth?
"What the Church Ruled on Makeup"
Good News
July 1955
Church Government
October 7, 1955 FoT
Or here:
“What the Church Ruled on Makeup and Why”
Good News
January 1957
"Should We Listen to Others?"
Subtitle: "Authority of the Church"
Good News Magazine
May 1960
Page 4.
"Women's Dress Ruling"
The Good News
September 1962
Page 9: "You won’t see any member of God’s Church wearing artificially striped hair, green eyelids, and a purple mouth..."
Good News Magazine
January 1963
"Why God's Women Do Not Wear Makeup"
booklet by HWA
"TO BE ENFORCED Ruling on Women's Dress"
The Good News
September 1966
Page 4
The Bulletin
October 23, 1974
Pages 513-514, 522-526
Good News Magazine
January 1976
Q and A, P. 13
First Fruits
Pentecost 1977
At 01:22 (but start sooner for context)
"Moonlighting and Working Wives" by HWA
Pastor General's Report
January 25, 1980, p. 2.
"How Satan Subtly Used Makeup to Start the Church off Track," PGR, November 2, 1981, pp. 1-10.
"Now JESUS CHRIST, through His chosen apostle, is going to RULE on this question once and for all!"
"How Satan Subtly Used Makeup to Start the Church off Track," The
Worldwide News, November 16, 1981
Pastor General's Report
Pages 1-7
December 18, 1981
"Our Light Is Shining-And Not the Cosmetics on Our Faces," The
Worldwide News, December 28, 1981
Are You Led by God's Spirit?
Last Great Day
October 20, 1981
Quote 1:22:00 to 1:22:41,
HWA: "I actually yielded to that, and I'm ashamed of it. I apologize now before you that I did. And I wrote [...] that if you would use it in modesty that you women could use a little bit of makeup. I'm sorry that I did that. I repent of it. God is not in that, and God was not speaking through me when I said that. Now, I correct it."
Philippians 1-2
(This recording is missing the beginning of this Bible study.)
00:00:55 to 00:01:35
(First location of several.)
Or here:
Philippians 1 and 2
October 30, 1981
Transcript or audio complete.
Philippeans 2-3
November 6, 1981
01:09:42 to 01:10:41
Or here:
Part 2, 25:49 to 26:45,
What God Expects of Us
November 7, 1981
Transcript or audio
Or here:
Sin (1981)
At 0:43 and 0:58 and 1:10:30
Comparison with profanity at 0:54-0:55:30
HWA put his daughter out over makeup at 1:23.
Back on Track
December 12, 1981
“Our Light Is Shining!-and not the cosmetics on our faces”
The Worldwide News
December 28, 1981
"Comments from Monthly Church Reports," Pastor General's Report
January 8, 1982, pp. 4-5.
"Comments from Monthly Church Reports," Pastor General's Report
January 15, 1982, pp. 8-9.
"Comments from Monthly Church Reports," Pastor General's Report
February 1, 1982, pp. 4-5.
What Constitutes Sin?
January 9, 1982
Dwelling with God
October 2, 1982
FoT 1982, first day
satellite transmission
At 0:45:03
Or here: (different title, same sermon)
Transcript or audio
Or here: (different title) <>
Are You Qualifying or Disqualifying Yourself?
Feast of Tabernacles, 1982 (not in Pasadena)
Transcript about 2/3 down under "Prince of the Power Of The Air"
Audio start 1:01:16
Pastor General's Report
July 1, 1983
Pages 1-7
"Satan Hasn't Given up on Makeup," The Worldwide News, July 11,1983
Or here:
Pastor General's Report
August 12, 1983
pp. 6-7 four comments
Pastor General's Report
August 26, 1983
P. 3, Durban, South Africa
Hungering After God's Righteousness
June 11, 1983
Trasnscript or audio
Or here:
From Sardis to Laodicea
June 24, 1983
Transcript or audio
Feast of Tabernacles
September 22, 1983
A Thousand Years of Real Peace Coming
Transcript and audio at 0:32:09 to 0:35:02
Same sermon in video but different title:
0:18:40 to 0:21:17
A Time of Peace, Joy, and Happiness
50th Anniversary of the Eugene Church
Feast of Tabernacles September 24, 1983
Transcript under "Attitude of Vanity"
Audio at 1:18:00-1:19:15
What God Expects of Us
Called Out
April 6, 1985